Important Dates:
09/05: Labor Day (Global Closed)
09/14: MCPS Early Release Day (Global Open)
09/16: Global Back to School Bash
09/26: Non Instructional Day (Global Open)
09/30: MCPS Early Release Day (Global Open)

We are so excited to see some new friendly faces and welcome back familiar faces To start this school year with a bang, we will host a Back to School Bash to get everyone pumped for a great school year!
Be on the lookout at your sites parent table for the refreshment sign up!

Social-emotional learning is a method of learning where children learn how to understand their emotions. Establishing a routine with children being taught to create a routine allows them to have a predictable outcome. Making them feel safe and creating an environment in which they are comfortable.

The Day you Begin
By. Jacqueline Woodson

The tuition department wants to thank all of our Global families for their patience, as we have been experiencing high volume calls and emails due to an influx of new registrations. Below you will find a few reminders:
Payment Schedule: Payments will be processed using the backup payment method on file according to the withdrawal schedule provided below. Please note some payment periods are based on 5 weeks, not 4.

Drop In Care:
Please note if your child is not registered for 5 days Before AND After care you will be subjected to the below drop in rates including MCPS early release days, no school days , snow days, drop in sessions your child attends that is not included in their schedule etc. For more information please review the family handbook.

Schedule Changes
In order to change the schedule at Global, it is imperative that the parent fill out a change of schedule form found on our website and notify the tuition department and your Global Director in writing with at least two weeks' written notice prior to the change.
Click on the button below to fill out the schedule change form and the tuition department will contact you to confirm.
Procedure to Withdraw
If a parent would need to withdraw their child from the program, we require a two-week written notice. Once we receive this notification, the tuition deposit paid for during the time of registration will be applied to the last two weeks. If no notice is given, parents will still be responsible for payment of tuition charges until notice is given. The tuition deposit will cover the last two weeks of care and is non-refundable.
(*A withdrawn email MUST be sent or you must fill out the Withdraw request form below. We do not accept word-of-mouth notices. If an email is not sent, the tuition deposit will be forfeited.) Click on the button below to fill out the Withdraw Request Form, 2 weeks in advance.

​Beall ES Director: Kevin Bell Phone: 301-717-2780 Email: beall@globalchildrenscenter.com Brookhaven ES Director: J. Pilla Phone: 301-646-7982 Email: brookhaven@globalchildrenscenter.com East Silver Spring ES Director: Rayshon Davis Phone: 917-474-0584 Email: eastsilverspring@globalchildrenscenter.com Gaithersburg ES/Harriet Tubman ES Director: Linda Annan Phone: 240-418-1408 Email: gaithersburg@globalchildrenscenter.com Gibbs ES Director: Unique Shemondy & Semira Gonfa Phone: 240-659-9987 Email: williambgibbs@globalchildrenscenter.com Tuition Department Phone: 301-972-5982 Email: tuition@globalchildrenscenter.com Email: vouchers@globalchildrenscenter.com Area Directors Christina B Phone: 301-972-5982 Email: Chrstina@globalchildrenscneter.com Kevin B Phone: 301-972-5982 Email: Kevin@globalchildrenscenter.com | ​Highland ES Director: Angela Caseres Phone: 240-595-9673 Email:highland@globalchildrenscenter.com Lake Seneca ES Director: Aaliyah Green Phone: 240-478-1588 Email:lakesdirector@globalchildrenscenter.com Poolesville ES Director: William McFadden Phone: 240-752-3764 Email: poolesville@globalchildrenscenter.com Rosemont ES Director: Tracy Meres Phone: 240-855-9058 Email: rosemont@globalchildrenscenter.com Stonegate ES Director: Mario Granados Phone: 301-661-5527 Email: stonegate@globalchildrenscenter.com Summit Hall ES Director: Emily Vides Phone: 301-500-6870 Email: summithall@globalchildrenscenter.com Viers Mill ES Director: Ingrid Alvarenga Phone: 832-907-6895 Email: viersmill@globalchildrenscenter.com Snowden Farm/Wilson Wims ES Director: Jeimy Lainez & Ryan Roberts Phone: 301-956-0250 & 571-409-0983 Email: wilsonwims@globalchildrenscenter.com |