Welcome to Camp Global, the Summer Camp Program sponsored by Global Children’s Center! Summer Day Camp is an amazing opportunity for your child to have fun in a safe and supervised environment. Here at Camp Global, we embrace our motto of allowing children to “Learn through Play”.
In accordance with the fundamental five theories of intelligence, we provide an educational yet fun space for our children to grow. In picking Camp Global for your child, you are not only putting them into an enriching, fun environment, but one that will help them gain valuable skills of character development, cooperation, curiosity, and hands-on learning.
Camp Global fosters the perfect intersection between educational enrichment and summer fun. Prepare for your child to explore new arts and crafts, make lifelong friendships, play new games, explore new sports, swim at outdoor pools, and so much more!
Before submitting your registration, please ensure all past dues are paid in full. Camp Global requires a non-refundable registration fee of $100 and a deposit of $355 per child. Payment options include mailing in a check or using a credit/debit card.
Registration Forms
Upon completion of the online registration process, it is mandatory to submit the following forms by your camper's first day of camp. The required forms must be uploaded online through the designated forms upload section, and a physical copy must also be presented on your child's first day of camp.
We kindly request your adherence to this requirement for the safety and smooth operation of our camp programs.
The 2025 Camp Global Family Handbook is also mandatory for all parents and guardians to read and agree to. By submitting your registration, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the terms outlined in the handbook.


camp locations
Camp Global has three locations serving all areas of Montgomery County, MD. Our professionally-staffed camps offer a wide range of activities to keep your child engaged and entertained all summer long.
Camp Global will be at the following locations:
Germantown Cluster
Gaithersburg/ Rockville Cluster
Wheaton/ Silver Spring Cluster
*Camp Global locations are to be determined, as we are waiting for confirmation from MCPS.
Hours of operation
Summer Camp Hours:
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Before and after extended care is available at NO additional cost.
Extended Care Hours:
7:00 AM to 9:00 AM
4:00 PM to 6:30 PM.
Extended care is offered for all families needing additional care.
tuition & discounts
Weekly Tuition: $355
Registration Fee: $100
In addition to our regular pricing, we are also offering the following discounts to help make camp more affordable for families:
Sibling Discount: 5% off each week
MCPS Discount: 10% off each week
Military Discount: 10% off each week.
First Responder Discount: 10% off each week
*Only one discount can be applied per family and discounts are not applicable per child.
Camp Details
Weekly Themes
Daily Sample Schedule

Weekly Payment Schedule
To ensure that your child's spot is reserved, we require weekly tuition payments to be made on the Thursday prior to the week of camp. This helps us ensure that we have adequate staffing and resources for each week of camp. Thank you for your cooperation in making sure that your payments are made on time.
As per Camp Global's policy, it is mandatory for every family to have a backup payment method on file. This method will be processed every Thursday before their first week of camp. This is to ensure that we can effectively manage tuition payments and avoid any delays or issues with registration.
On the Friday before your camper starts their first registered week at camp, a non-refundable registration fee of $100, a 1-week deposit of $355.00 (applied to your last week of camp registration), and the first week's tuition of $355.00 are due, totaling $810.00 per camper (This does not factor in any potential discounts you may qualify for).
Cancellation and Change requirements
Global Children’s Center strives to make accommodations and cater to each of our families, however, please choose your weeks for summer camp with care, as we plan and allocate our resources based on enrollment. Any and all requests for changes or cancellations must be made before May 30th, 2025. Adjustments, changes, or cancellations of any 1 or more weeks of camp, while remaining enrolled in any other alternate week(s) at Camp Global will result in a change fee of $25.00 per family for each request to change your family’s registration. Any requests for change or cancellations after May 30th, 2025 will result in no refunds, credits, or adjustments to your family’s account. Please click on the button below to submit a schedule change . Upon completion of the form the tuition department will reach out to confirm your change.
Please see the two examples below for more clarification regarding our cancellation and change requirements:
Example of Camp Global Changes
Anna has two children registered for Camp Global 2025, Chris and Sally. Anna has registered them both for 8 weeks, Weeks 1-8. On May 20th, she realized that they had planned summer vacation during Camp Global Week 6 and would like to switch her weeks. She would like to switch Week 6 to Week 9. For this schedule change, Ann would be charged a fee of $25.00. For any other charges, Ann would be charged $25.00 per change of alternating weeks.
Example of Camp Global Cancellation
Anna has registered her two children, Chris and Sally for 5 weeks of Summer Camp at Camp Global. On May 27th, she decided she would rather go spend her summer with her family in California. Since she has made payment of registration and deposits and is completely canceling her summer camp, she will not be refunded her registration fee and her deposits will be forfeited.
Any discounts already applied to your Global Children’s Center account will transfer to Camp Global. If you believe that you are eligible for a certain discount please contact us as we are more than happy to make accommodations as applicable.
Camp Global’s Sibling Discount: Families with more than one camper attending Camp Global for five or more weeks will receive a 5% sibling discount off the second, third, fourth sibling, etc. The sibling discount will be applied to the lower prices of tuition.​​​
The following additional discounts require identifying proof emailed to tuition@globalchildrenscenter.com prior to any discounts added to your account:
MCPS Discount
Military Discount
First Responder Discount

Camp Global does not charge any additional amount for extended care rates. This includes both before and aftercare. If interested in leaving your child in before or aftercare, you will only be charged with the $355 flat rate for one week of Camp Global with no additional charges for before or after-care days. It does not matter how many times per week you decide to leave your child in before or aftercare, the charge will be the same every week.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where is Camp Global located?
Camp Global location are to be determined, as we are waiting for confirmation from MCPS.
are there any scheduled dates, when camp is closed?
Camp Global will be closed on June 19 , 2025 and July 4, 2025.
What should my child wear to Camp Global?
For daily wear, your child should wear comfortable, lightweight clothing and sneakers. Protection from the sun should be considered for outside programs. Please also keep in mind that many camps are run outdoors and campers will be spending a lot of time immersed in the environment. Old clothing and shoes are recommended. Please be sure that all of your child’s belongings are labeled with their name. On pool days, a towel and a Global swim shirt should also be packed. On-field trip days, Global camp shirts should be worn as well as any sneakers.
Is Camp Global Open on rainy days?
Yes, activities are scheduled in case of inclement weather. Camp has use of the gym or classroom space if needed. When choosing to clothe, please consider that the camp is an outdoor camp and children will most likely come home dirtier than usual on rainy days.
Are There procedures for signing in and out?
For the safety of every child, parents are required to sign their camper in and out every day. Curbside drop-off is not allowed. (Contract can be terminated if a parent fails to sign in and out of their camper every day). For this purpose, a sign-in tablet and weekly newsletter will be provided daily. During the days from 9:00 AM-6:30 PM, all children will be signed in and out at the pool complex.
Are there any late pick up policies or fees?
After 6:30 PM, all children are signed out from Camp Global. Children who have not been picked up by 6:30 PM are not enrolled in extended care will be charged$1 per minute. Parents that arrive late will be asked to sign a late pick-up form. Compensation will be added to your child’s invoice.
Who can pick up my child from Camp Global?
Children will not be released to anyone who is not on the pick-up list. Picture identification is required. Please be prepared to bring picture identification every day since our staff rotates shifts.
What is Camp Global’s field trip policy?
All participants are expected to attend all off-site trips as they are scheduled. On field-trip days, children are required to wear their camp T-shirts. Due to travel time, the camp day may be extended beyond 4:00 PM. Please do not send money with your child on field trips.
What are Camp Global’s medication policies?
If your child needs medication during the camp day, please bring the medication in its original container with your child’s name. Medication administration authorization form must be turned in if your camper may need to take any medication(s) while at camp. Per state licensing requirements, a doctor must sign this form. Please do not leave the medication with your child. All medication is kept in the medical box.
What are Camp Global’s sickness or injury procedures?
Sick children are not permitted to attend camp. Whenever it is necessary to contact you due to sickness or emergency, we will first call the numbers provided and then proceed to the emergency numbers listed on the child’s enrollment forms. If a minor injury such as a small cut occurs during the day, an injury report will be filled out and the parent/guardian will be notified during pick-up. If a more severe injury occurs during the camp day, the parents will be contacted immediately.
Is lunch provided at camp?
No, parents will need to send their child daily with a labeled, bagged lunch. The lunch should not require refrigeration or microwaving and must be nut-free.​ Camp Global does provide an AM snack and a PM snack daily.